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Séminaire, Movement and body

06/05/2022 à 15:00 - 18:00

Séminaire bilingue franco-anglais :
Relever dans l’être : une éthique du soin par le corps (é)mu”
Movement and Bodies: an improvisation of care

Pour cette première séance et à titre exceptionnel, les interventions se feront exclusivement en anglais.

Ecologies of knowledges and the Improvisation of care for embodied ideas from the Global South
par Cristina Fernandes Rosa, PhD, University of Roehampton, London

In the first part of this talk, I offer an overview of my current research project titled Movements of Sustainability, in order to address the gaps within Eurocentric notions of phenomenology in relation of care. In particular, I investigate the Afro-Brazilian project CosmoAngola: Confluence of Bakongo Cosmology and Capoeira Angola, envisioned by Dr. Cinézio Peçanha, a capoeira master also known as Cobra Mansa and maroon community activist Nêgo Bispo. As the title suggest, CosmoAngola combines the Afro-Brazilian practice of Capoeira Angola with practices of social, environmental and cognitive justice connected to Central African (Bakongo) ancestry. Departing from my ethnography at CosmoAngola 2022, I discuss how “sustainability” might be better understood as a series of dynamic relations between onion-shaped spheres: 1) the care of self: processes of diversified emancipation, where each member of the community is understood as an individual ecology/ecosystem; 2) the care of others: processes of inclusive solidarity, where each community is understood as a social ecology/ecosystem; 3) care of environments: processes of territorial resilience, where the earth and all its inhabitants and resources are recognized as a territorial ecology/ecosystem; and 4) the care of ideas: processes of recognition of an ecology of knowledges and ways of knowing, which seeks to expand the visibility and appreciation of African aesthetic and philosophical foundations. My argument is anchored on a series of theoretical tools and concepts, including coloniality (Quijano 1991), sensiotics(Drewal 2005), corpomedia (Greiner 2007), neighboring (Savigliano 2009), relationality(Vazquez 2012), cognitive justice (Santos 2018), practices to postpone the end of the world(Krenak 2020).

In the second part, I address practical exercises which I have devised in order to address this confluence of care, from a decolonial embodied perspective.

Healing trauma through Pilates and Somatic practices
par Anna Louise Westin

Trauma threatens survivors with its permanent story. When reworked in language only, it can be cut off from the rest of its bodily manifestations. Integrating an embodied story of healing, in a meaningful and transformative way, means accessing multiple tools for recovery. The imagination is one of these tools towards holistic healing. This talk explores how artistic expression can be used phenomenologically to heal wounds experienced from MSHT. It will discuss how philosophy can give us language to reconceptualise healing as an experience of embodiment in relationships – drawing on the work of Merleau-Ponty and Ricœur. As a Pilates and Somatic practitioner working with survivors of human trafficking and modern slavery, this phenomenological approach has been a particularly helpful methodology to employ in my work. Whereas often trauma discourse can focus on siloed methods for healing trauma, situated in the symptoms of the body, I would argue that a phenomenological engagement with bodily movement, through Pilates and dance in particular, enables the survivor to heal. Healing can occur both through being present to the trauma that survivors continue to suffer in the present, and through re-imagining a life beyond the trauma.

Informations pratiques

Vendredi 6 mai 2022
de 15h à 18h

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Un projet de recherche qui bénéficie du soutien de la MSH Paris Nord dans le cadre de son appel à projets.

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Heure :
15:00 - 18:00
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